Peer reviewed papers
Assessing atmospheric temperature data sets for climate studies
by Magnus Cederlöf, Lennart Bengtsson, Kevin I Hodges. Published 2016-07-28 in Tellus.
Climate sensitivity estimation
Using seasonal variations to estimate earth's response to radiative forcing.
Version 0.6 Nov 2014. By using the seasonal variations in the two hemispheres, the climate sensitivity can be calculated to about 0.3C. This paper has been discussed in two blog posts at (here and here).
Selected blog posts at (in Swedish)
2014-06-10 Sweden's latest climate disaster / Sveriges senaste klimatkatastrof
About the extremely cold year 1867 in Northern Sweden that caused thousands of death by starvation and about forced about 60000 people to become climate refugees.
2014-06-30 Sunspots and winter temperatures / Solfläckar och vintertemperaturer
About the non-existest relationship between sun spots and winter temperatures in Sweden.
2014-08-25 The ravages of Malaria in Sweden / Malarians härjningar i Sverige
Malaria was widespread and a common cause of death in Sweden as late as in the end of the 19th century.
Increased solar irradiance and increased southerly wind are the main causes of increased temperatures in Sweden.
2015-04-17 BEST is better but not very good / BEST är bättre men inte särskilt bra
There are not as large errors in BEST for Iceland and Sweden as there are in GISS and HadCRUT. However BEST fails to identify the UHI effect and thinks that rural areas should be adjusted upwards to match the cities.
2015-07-03 The reality vs the climate model 1-0 / Verkligheten vs Klimatmodellen 1-0
There is no relationship between measured temperatures and simulated temperatures using a CMIP5 model for Uppsala, Sweden.
2016-03-11 NAO is the main cause for the warm winters / NAO ligger bakom de varma vintrarna
North Atlantic Oscillation has a very strong influence on the winter temperatures in Sweden and the recent warm winters is mainly caused by this weather phenomena.